The FPO Promoted by the Nestham in the year 2015 with support of Nabard under produce fund for the collective marketing and cooperative marketing and generate more income to the farmers especially Banana farmers, The FPO’s are showing Very much progressive growth in the agric business The 5 FPO having 35000 members and 1000 shareholders and authorised share capital 250 Lakhs and paid up share capital is 50.00 lakhs and the annual tumover is Rs.15 crores.
The FPO’s established the Customer hiring centres and Input centres to provide better services to the farmers. The FPO is showing significant growth in development of the Agriculture by providing much door step services to the farmers, The farmers are getting remunerative price and access for the marketing in the villages and getting qualify inputs and other extension activities with support or KVK’s, Department of Horticulture and other activities.