JLG's Promotion

The Nestham Promoted 250 JLG Groups among small and marginal farmers for the credit support and other necessary activities. The Organisation gave training to the members on the credit activity and credit disciplines.

Trainig on Promotion & Strengthening of MACS

The Organisation Promoted 5 MACS in Krishna District and oriented them on the federation activities and encouraged them on thrift and credit and multi activities. Mr.Chandra Sekhar, A resource person gave training on the MACS.

Leadership Development Program

The Nestham organized One day leadership development program to the chief functionaries of farmers Clubs in Machilipatnam, Vijayawada Rural, G.Kondur manuals with main focused objective was to enhance leaders ship skills among the farmers for the agriculture and rural development. Mr.Dhamodhar Ganpathi Rao, Soft Skill Trainer Lecture on the importance of the leadership for the rural development and he taught tips for the development of the leadership qualities. The Speaker asked the farmers to take more responsibility for the collective effort for the rural development.

Training on Food Processing

The organisation conducted food processing training in Kallipalli Village, Nalagonda District to impact skills among the SHG Members. Smt. N.Sugandhi, Home science Expert gave training in preparation of Spices products. Smt. K. Nandini, President of the Organisation gave tips on marketing of the food products.